Established in 1990On a hot and humid July day in 1990, six Republican men and women assembled a patriotic float for the Bel Air Fourth of July parade.
"What we need is a club that both men and women can join that will work for the Republican goals we all believe in." they said. The more they talked and worked. the idea took on a mind of its own and on July 3rd, at the fIrst meeting, Gary Harriger agreed to be the founding president of the Second District Republican Club of Harford County. The charter members of that organization numbered candidates for a variety of public offices and avid campaign volunteers. On the next day, July Fourth, these charter members proudly rode their red, white and blue "voters" float through the streets of Bel Air, amazed at the wildly enthusiastic response from the parade viewers. The Charter Members included Dorothy Stancill, David Meadows, Gary Harriger, Rich & Maria Gallippi, Julie (Patton) Zuramski, Audrey Webber, Alan Baht, Sandy Hopkins, Stewart Elliott, Carol MacCubbin and Robert Wagner. During the election of 1994, the SDRC had a "Sign Up" Night during which the members gathered signs for all of our candidates and erected them along the major thoroughfares of the county insuring that the week prior to the election, the major roads were peppered with GOP candidate NAMES. Social events have included picnics, a crab feast with DJ for dancing, Holiday Dinners and informal social gatherings. The political activities center around voter registration, campaign assistance, financial support of candidates, and providing informative speakers who endeavor to enlighten members and guests on political and governmental issues. The state redistricted after the census of 2000, and Harford County was made up of more than just the second legislative district, so a new name was established to reflect our new make-up, and we became the Republican Club of Harford County. The Organization TodayIn 2018, the strength of our growth was starting to be recognized throughout Maryland. Many similar organizations were asking us for help in growing their ranks. It was then that our board began to discuss ways to be a more inclusive group with the surrounding communities, and a plan is beginning to formulate to spread our conservative message. The first step in this plan was to change our name to the Republican Alliance of Harford County, and the organization adopted that name in September 2019.
Our Meetings
Some of our early history
Pachyderm Award |
Funds Disbursement
Certain fundraisers held by the Republican Alliance are designated to benefit Republican candidates for local office. The available funds are distributed every four years in the Gubernatorial election year. The criteria to be considered for campaign funds are specific and the reporting period for this criteria begins two years prior to the election. For example, if you are considering running for office (such as county council, Delegate, etc.) during the 2026 election, you will need to be a member in good standing of our organization by April 1, 2024. For details on the approved Funds Disbursement Criteria for the 2026 election, please see the document below.
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